Support Tacoma Community House’s New Building Campaign
Update as of November 2019
The capital campaign is currently at $13.2 million as of November 2019 and the new building is now open!
In May, TCH Staff and Board Members had the honor of signing the interior walls of the new building.
Embracing the American Promise: Uniting Communities Campaign
At no point in recent history have TCH’s programs for immigrants and refugees been more in demand or more needed.
To better serve our clients and allow for growth, we have embarked upon an exciting $13.6M initiative to construct a new two-story building. We’re almost there, but we need your help!
Download our materials to learn more:
Donate NowWhy does TCH need a new building?
TCH’s facilities are not adequate to meet current demand for services, nor do they offer sufficient space to accommodate our projected short‐ and long‐term increase in demand:
- Clients must wait 6-10 weeks or more for immigration services, with no space for additional staff.
- Domestic violence victims have no private space in which to receive confidential counseling.
- Employment workshops can only be offered when other classes are on break, due to a lack of classroom space.
- Students have no space to study and/or rest between classes.
- Community members cannot access space to hold meetings or gatherings.
Campaign Process

Individual and Foundation Gifts/Pledges as of February 2020
Capital Campaign Leadership
Campaign Cabinet
Co-Chair – Cathy Brewis, Community Volunteer
Co-Chair – John Folsom, Community Volunteer
Sharon Benson, Windermere Professional Partners
Jenni Browning, Community Volunteer
Peter Darling, Community Volunteer
Joseph Diaz, Assistant Attorney General of WA State
Sok-Khieng Hardy, Partner, Davies Pearson
Brittany Hobson, Brown and Brown Insurance
Neel Parikh, Community Volunteer
Clare Petrich, Commissioner, Port of Tacoma
Lyle Quasim, Community Volunteer
Molly Regimbal, Community Volunteer
Kent Roberts, Community Volunteer
Greg Tanbara, Tacoma/Pierce County Health Department
Wayne Williams, Community Volunteer
Clay Zhang, Owner, Real Estate Investment Company
Campaign Advisors
Lea Armstrong, Community Volunteer
Pamela R. Mayer, Community Volunteer
Kathy McGoldrick, Community Volunteer
Pamela Transue, President Emeritus, TCC
Dr. William T. Weyerhaeuser, Community Volunteer
Honorary Campaign Advisors
Joe and Carol Stortini, Owners, Joeseppi’s Restaurant
Robert Yamashita, Former TCH Executive Director
Campaign Consultant
Laura Edman, Alford Group
Honor Roll
We are so grateful to the following individuals and foundations for supporting the Campaign as of February 06, 2019:
Gretchen Adams
Darrel and Dottie Addington
David and Sally Alger
Kohl Anderson
Anonymous (17)
Lea Armstrong
Ron and Barbara Asahara
Godwin Asemota
Bamford Foundation
Steve and Mary Barger
Daniel and Miriam Barnett
Delia Batalao
Bates Family Foundation
Carol Begert
Michael Begert and Annette Clear
Rich and Leslie Begert
Sono Nishimura Begert
Karen E. Bellamy
Ben B. Cheney Foundation
Barry and Sharon Benson
Krista Berry
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bingham Pahl Family Fund of the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
Carolyn Bjerke
Kenneth and Sally Bose
James and Donna Boulanger
Michael Brandstetter
Cathy and Greg Brewis
Jane Brosius
Brown & Brown Insurance of WA
Jenni and Chris Browning
Diane Bruckner
Mark and Margaret Bubenik
Betty Butler
Sharon and Robert Camner
Barbara Campbell
Cannon Family Fund of the Greater
Tacoma Community Foundation
Richard and Frances Carr
Mary Chaffee
Rev. Larry (dec.) and Rev. Bonnie Chandler-Warren
Rocio Chavez de Alvarado
Anthony L-T Chen, MD, MPH and Shin-Ping Tu, MD, MPH
Mary Chikwinya
Cami Chouery
Kwang and Michiko Chough
City of Tacoma
Danna and Mike Clancy
Tim Close and Jeana Hawkes
John and Joanne Coleman Campbell
Mary Elizabeth Collins
Columbia Bank
Commencement Bank
Annie Conant
Jack and Angela Connelly
Patty and Pat Coogan
Yana and Robert Cosme
Richard and Frances Kay Coulter
Dave and Florence Covey
Tom and Carmen Croppi
Anne Crowley
Martha Curwen
Barbara and John Dadd Shaffer
Bruce and Lauren Dammeier
Peter and Ann Darling
Jim and Nancy Davis
DeFalco Family Foundation
Joe and Valentina Diaz
Tom Diehm and Tom Davis
Amy C. Diehr
Elizabeth Diffendal
Shirley Dilger
Dimmer Family Foundation
A. Corinne Dixon
Patricia Dodson
Kathleen and Douglas Dorr
Carol and Anthony Dougherty
Bill Driscoll and Lisa Hoffman
Bob and Sue Drury
Mike and Liz Dunbar
Joan and Jerome Durbin
Employees Community Fund of Boeing
Kathryn Everett
Shanna Faulkenberry
Natalya and Viktor Fedorets
Jacob Fey
Dennis Flannigan
John and Buzz Folsom
Becky and Gary Fontaine
Bruce and Paula Foreman
The Fred Goldberg Family Foundation
Brett Freshwaters
Annette and Roland Funk
Kelly Furtado
Jeff and Betsy Gellert
Dr. William (dec.) and Andrea Gernon
Elizabeth (dec.) and Lee Gingrich
Ann and Norm Gosch
Doris Graber
Michael and Kathy Grabowski
Steve and Wendy Gray
David Graybill
Kate and Henry Haas
Noel and William Hagens
Nancy and Mark Haley
Dale G. Hall and Susan Russell Hall
Wendy Hamai and Henry Stoll
Arrie and Scott Hanson
Tyler and Sok-Khieng Hardy
Maria and Steve Harlow
Kathi Hiyane-Brown and Robert Brown
Corey and Kelli Hjalseth
William and Brittany Hobson
Minh-Anh Hodge
Hokold Foundation
Sandy and Harry Holliday
Stephanie Hopkins
Tom and Judy Hosea
Audra Hudson
Hunt Family Charitable Fund
Denny Hunthausen and Michelle Bullinger
Somchith Huong
Ronda Ann Jacobson
Christian Jensen
Laurie Jinkins and Laura Wulf
Arlene Joe and Richard Woo
Billie and Ted Johnstone
Woodrow and Virginia Jones
Kaiser Permanente Washington
Robert and Nancy Katica
Bruce and Sara Kendall
The Klorfine Foundation
Julie Kramer
Paul and Denise Kuhn
Clara K. Ladd
John and Patricia Lantz
Roberta and Gary Larson
Sandy Lawrence
Audra Laymon
Ed and Paula Lazar Family
Kathy LeFurgey
Leon Leonard
Randy and Joyce Lert
Dorothy Lewis
Jim and Rusty Lewis
Debbie Lind
Priscilla Lisicich and David Haapala
Becky Lister
Little Family Charitable Fund
Lloyd Silver Fund of the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
Georgia Lomax
Merritt D. Long and Marsha Tadano Long
Mary Loovis
Cynthia Lorch
L.T. Murray Family Foundation
Elizabeth Lufkin
Adele Lum
Lu-Wong Foundation
James and Simone Lynch
James and Janet MacDonald
Jean and Dick Madson
Hoa Mai and Khanh Le
Julie Malgesini
Paul and Lesia Many
Joe and Gloria Mayer
Pamela Mayer
J.J. McCament
Bruce McDowell and Karen Harding
Kathleen McGoldrick
Helen McGovern-Pilant and George Pilant
Margy McGroarty Endowment Fund of the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
Mike and Peggy McKasy
Linda McKeag
Charlene McKenzie
Kristine and Peter McLean
Douglas and Janice McLemore
The Medina Foundation
Rick Meeder and Sue Barrett
Mexico Magico
Kerrisan Meyer and Jason Gauthier
Danielle Mijo-Burch
Karen and Wain Miller
The M.J. Murdock Trust
Kevin Moran
James and Patricia Morton
Greg and Mei Mowat
MultiCare Health System
Jeanne Munro
James and Vicki Murphy
Kim and Cindy Nakamura
Neil Walter Company
New Markets Tax Credits
Linda Nguyen and Eric Hahn
Linh Nguyen
Laure and John Nichols
Laura and Gary Nicholson
The Norcliffe Foundation
Philip and Helen Nordquist
Sarah E. Nuñez
Alisa and Craig O’Hanlon
Lorrain Oill
David and Dina Okimoto
Isaac Olson
Rick and Kathleen Olson
Thomas and Pamela Osborne
Ostrom Mushroom Farms
D & M Paly
Neel Parikh and Patricia Guy
Diana Parra
Therese and Steve Pasquier
Darren Pen
Clare Petrich
Pierce County
Frances Posel
Paul Purcell and Barbara Guzzo
Lyle Quasim and Shelagh Taylor
Lucille and Darrell Reeck
Leo and Debbie Regala
Molly and Joe Regimbal
Teri Reid
Claude Remy and Dr. Claire Spain-Remy
Bianca Reynaga
William and Dorothy Rhodes
Stephen and Jennifer Rich
David and Anne Richardson
Kent and Linda Roberts Fund of the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
Bill and Della Robertson
Laura Romero
Sharon Russell
Rafael Saucedo
Jason and Jessica Scales
John and Rosemary Scales
Henry Schatz
Susan Schreurs
Judith Schuler
Pamela Schuler
Douglas and Lisa Ann Schwab
Clara Sciortino
Karen Seinfeld
Leslie Sherriff
Pat Shuman and Dave Edwards
Julie Skirko
Sara Slater
David and Colette Smith
Roger Soukup
Sandra Spadoni
Wes Stanton and Kathy Bogue
Kirk and Janie Starr Fund of the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
State of Washington Building Communities Fund
Col. Willie C. Stewart, USAR Retired
Marirogel Stiffler
Joe and Carol Stortini
William and Bobbie Street
Dean Sugimoto
Sunderland Foundation
Tacoma Community House
Barbara and Gregory Tanbara
George and Kimi Tanbara (dec.)
Cathy Tashiro and Carl Anderson
Karen Thomas
Thompson Family Fund of the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
Sybille and George Tomlin
Jeff and Sheri Tonn
Ruth Tooley
Dr. Pamela Transue and Dr. Stuart Grover
Michael A. and Mary Jo (dec.) Tucci
Signe and Jan Twardowski
United Methodist Women
Kitty Ann Van Doorninck
Nicholas and Alex Van Putten
Kathryn Van Wagenen Bryan
Beverly Vari
Abigail Vizcarra Perez
Svetlana Waer
Deedra Walkey
Estella Wallace
Art Wang
Latasha Ware
Sulja and Frederick Warnick
Bob and Juanita Watt
Gail Watters
Lewise Weinstein
Jeanne Werner-Spaulding
John and Audrey West
Whitney Memorial United Methodist Church
John and Lesa Wiborg Endowment Fund of the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
Audrey Williams
Eric Williams
Wayne Williams
Donald and Lucinda Wingard
Stephen and Sharon Wischmeier
Dr. John and Teri Woo
The Woodworth Family Foundation
LaTasha Wortham
Rev. David Wright and Dr. Peggy Hannon
Robert and Michie Yamashita
Karen Yokota Love
JoAnn Yoshimoto
Jan Yoshiwara
Peg and Rick Young Foundation
Stuart and Dori Young
Clay Zhang and Diane Bai
Lucy Zhou and Zheng Ge